Az Egri vár

Terms and Conditions 

Offi ház Eger

Terms and Conditions

1. Provider's Data

Name: Goldener Löwe Hotel and Gastronomy Ltd. (Offi House Eger)

Address: 3300 Eger, Dobó tér 5.

Phone: +36 36 311 005



2. General Rules

2.1. These “General Terms and Conditions” govern the use of the Provider’s accommodation and services.

2.2. Special, unique conditions do not form part of the disclosed General Terms and Conditions but do not exclude the possibility of entering into separate agreements with travel intermediaries, organizers, and, in some cases, with different conditions suitable for the type of business.

3. Contracting Party

3.1. The Guest utilizes the services provided by the Provider.

3.2. If the Guest directly places an order for the services with the Provider, the Guest is the Contracting Party. The Provider and the Guest collectively become contractual parties (hereinafter referred to as “Parties”) upon fulfillment of the conditions.

3.3. If a third party (hereinafter referred to as “Intermediary”) places an order for the services on behalf of the Guest, the terms of cooperation are governed by the contract concluded between the Provider and the Intermediary. In this case, the Provider is not obliged to verify whether the third party legally represents the Guest.

4. Formation of the Contract, Booking Method, Modification, Notification Obligation

4.1. In response to the Guest’s oral or written request for an offer, the Provider sends an offer. The Provider declares the duration of the offer from the date of sending, and after the expiration, the Provider’s obligation to the offer ceases.

4.2. The Contract is concluded with the Provider’s written confirmation sent to the Guest for a written or oral reservation, making it a written contract. An oral reservation, agreement, modification, or the Provider’s oral confirmation cannot be considered a contract.

4.3. The Contract is automatically formed using the Provider’s online reservation system on the website By submitting an online reservation, the Guest declares acceptance of the terms and conditions specified in the Provider’s GTC.

4.4. The Contract for accommodation services is for a specified period.

4.4.1. If the Guest permanently leaves the room before the expiration of the specified period, the Provider is entitled to the full consideration specified in the Contract unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. The Provider has the right to resell the vacated room before the expiration date.

4.4.2. The Guest needs the prior consent of the Provider to initiate an extension of the accommodation service. In this case, the Provider may stipulate the reimbursement of the already performed service fee.

4.5. A written agreement signed by the Parties is required for the modification and/or supplement of the Contract.

5. Prices

5.1. The hotel room rates are displayed/presented in the hotel room, at the hotel reception, or on the website. Price lists for other services are also posted on the website and at the reception.

5.2. The Provider can freely change the advertised prices without prior notice.

5.3. When disclosing prices, the Provider specifies the prices inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT), but the Tourist Tax (TT) is considered separately and must be paid. The Provider may pass on additional costs due to changes in tax laws (VAT, TT) to the Contracting Party with prior notice.

5.4. Current discounts, promotions, package deals, services, and other offers are advertised on the website.

6. Family and Other Discounts

6.1. The Provider publishes and announces current family or other discounts on its website specified in point 5.4.

7. Payment Method

7.1. The Provider claims the consideration for the services provided to the Contracting Party no later than after the use of the services, before leaving the hotel. However, the Provider may allow for deferred payment under individual agreements. The Provider is entitled to issue partial invoices for the services provided.

7.2. As security for the utilization of services according to the Contract and the settlement of consideration, the Provider may a) request a credit card guarantee, where the consideration for the ordered and confirmed service is blocked on the guest’s bank account based on the credit card, b) request an advance payment for part or all of the ordered services.

7.3. The Contracting Party can settle their invoice in HUF and/or

a) EURO. In this case, the conversion or invoicing is done at the official exchange rate of the Hungarian National Bank on the day of the Guest’s arrival. However, the Provider reserves the right to perform EURO conversion at a predetermined rate and provides information about its value.

b) The Provider accepts cash-saving payment instruments (credit card, SZÉP card, and other payment methods under a separate agreement; voucher, etc.), the current list of which is communicated to the guest upon request.

7.4. The Contracting Party (Guest) can settle their service booked online on the website with card online payment (Simple Pay), during which they voluntarily provide their information and acknowledge the creation of the contractual status by settling the booking amount.

7.5. If the Contracting Party uses the Provider’s online booking system (, the following payment methods are available: card payment (Simple Pay), bank transfer, advance payment, SZÉP card payment.

7.6. Szerződő az online foglalást indíthatja a kiválasztott szoba aloldaláról, vagy kezdeményezheti 7.6. The Contracting Party can initiate online booking from the selected room subpage or by clicking the “Online booking” button on the homepage. In the case of online booking initiated on the website, the Provider’s system immediately places the selected room on hold, and the payment status is determined according to the selected payment parameters, as follows:a főoldalon elhelyezett “Online foglalás” gombra kattintva. A weboldalon kezdeményezett online foglalás esetében, Szolgáltató rendszere, a kiválasztott szobát azonnal foglalásba helyezi, amit a kiválasztott fizetési paraméterhez igazodva az alábbiak szerint tart.

  • Card payment (Simple Pay): The Provider’s online booking system sends an immediate message about the reservation, and the status of the payment is informed by the Simple Pay system operated by a third party. If the reservation is a successful payment transaction, the reservation is finalized. If there is no successful transaction at the end of the process, the Provider notifies the Contracting Party and offers an alternative payment method. If the payment is eventually made within 3 days, the reservation is finalized. If the Contracting Party cannot make the payment within 3 days, the selected room and reservation are deleted from the Contracting Party’s name in the booking system.
  • Bank transfer: The Contracting Party has 3 days to settle the amount of the reservation. If the Contracting Party’s transfer does not arrive within 3 days, the Provider’s online system automatically deletes the reservation.
  • Advance payment: The Contracting Party has 3 days to settle the amount of the advance payment for the reservation. If the Contracting Party’s transfer does not arrive within 3 days, the Provider’s online system automatically deletes the reservation.
  • SZÉP card payment: The Contracting Party has 3 days to settle the amount of the reservation with the SZÉP card. If the Contracting Party’s payment does not arrive within 3 days, the Provider’s online system automatically deletes the reservation.

8. Method and Conditions of Service Utilization

8.1. The individual Guest can occupy the hotel room from 14:00 on the day of arrival (Check-in) and can use it until 11:00 in the morning on the day of departure (Check-out). The Parties may agree differently.

9. Pets

9.1. Pets are not allowed at the Provider’s accommodation.

10. Refusal of Contract Performance, Termination of Service Obligation

10.1. The Provider is entitled to terminate the Contract for accommodation services with immediate effect and thus refuse the provision of services if:

a) The Guest uses the assigned room or facility improperly.

b) The Guest behaves objectionably, rudely, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or exhibits threatening behavior towards the safety, order, or employees of the accommodation.

c) The Guest is suffering from a contagious disease.

d) The Contracting Party fails to meet the specified advance payment or partial payment obligation by the specified deadline.

10.2. If the Contract cannot be fulfilled between the parties due to “force majeure” reasons, the contract terminates.

11. Cancellation Conditions

Unless otherwise specified in the hotel’s offer, the cancellation and modification conditions are as follows:

The Provider declares that there is no possibility of canceling the room reservation. However, the following modifications are possible:

  • Modification beyond 7 days prior to the confirmed arrival date is possible without a penalty.
  • Cancellation or modification within 7 days of the confirmed arrival date results in a penalty equal to 100% of the accommodation fee.

In case the Contracting Party is a business entity (including economic companies, social organizations, churches, municipalities, municipal institutions, state organizations, and their institutions, etc.), the Contracting Party/Orderer is obliged to pay the penalty in case of cancellation, even if the accommodation fee is otherwise borne directly by the Guest acting on behalf of the Orderer.

If the Contracting Party secured the use of accommodation services with an advance payment and does not arrive on the arrival date (written cancellation is not received), the Provider enforces the paid advance amount as a penalty. In this case, the accommodation is reserved for the Contracting Party until 21:00 on the arrival day, after which the Provider’s service obligation ceases.

If the Contracting Party did not secure the use of accommodation services with an advance payment, credit card guarantee, or in another way specified in the Contract, the Provider’s service obligation ceases after 18:00 local time on the day of arrival.

12. Accommodation Guarantee

12.1. If the Provider’s hotel cannot provide the specified services due to its fault (e.g., overbooking, temporary operational issues, etc.), the Provider must immediately arrange for the Guest’s accommodation.

12.2. The Provider is obliged to:

a) Provide/offer the specified services in another hotel of the same or higher category at the confirmed price and for the specified duration – or until the obstacle is removed. All additional costs of providing the substitute accommodation are borne by the Provider.

b) Provide the Guest with free, one-time telephone access to communicate the change of accommodation.

c) Provide free transfer to the offered substitute accommodation for the Guest to move, and for possible later re-transfer.

12.3. If the Provider fulfills these obligations in full, or if the Guest accepts the substitute accommodation offered to them, the Contracting Party cannot subsequently claim damages.

13. Guest's Illness, Death

13.1. If the Guest falls ill at the beginning or during their stay at the accommodation, the hotel management, taking into account the interests of the other guests, may request a shortened stay. In such a case, an internal protocol is drawn up each time, which is valid even without the signature of the Guest. If, despite the warning, the Guest chooses to leave later, the hotel is not responsible for a similar illness that occurs in the hotel. The services used by the Guest are proportionally payable.

13.2. If the Guest falls ill during the period of using accommodation services and is unable to act in their own interest, the Provider offers medical assistance.

13.3. In the event of the Guest’s illness/death, the Provider claims compensation from the contracting party, heir, or payer for medical and procedural costs, the consideration for services used before the death, and any damages caused to equipment or furnishings related to the illness/death.

14. Rights of the Contracting Party

14.1. Under the Contract, the Guest is entitled to use the ordered room and related services by adhering to the house rules. The Guest is also entitled to the proper use of other facilities of the hotel, respecting the rules placed there. The Guest can also use other services, paying the prices specified in the separate price list.

14.2. The Guest can raise complaints regarding the performance of services provided by the Provider during their stay at the hotel. The Guest has the right to record their complaint in the Guest Book or request the Provider to draw up a protocol. The Provider undertakes to investigate the complaint.

15. Obligations of the Contracting Party

15.1. The Contracting Party is obliged to settle the consideration for the ordered and actually used services (restaurant consumption, minibar, etc.) at the time of using the service or no later than upon leaving the hotel (check-out), unless the parties have agreed otherwise.

15.2. The Guest is not allowed to bring their own food and drink into the hotel’s catering units.

15.3. The Guest may not bring flammable items into the hotel and may not smoke in indoor areas.

16. Liability for Damages of the Contracting Party

The Guest is responsible for all damages and disadvantages caused by the fault of the Guest, their companion, or other persons under their responsibility, which the Provider or a third party suffered due to the Guest’s

17. Provider's Obligations

The Provider is obliged to:

a) Fulfill the accommodation and other services ordered under the contract in accordance with applicable regulations and service standards.

b) Investigate the written complaint of the Guest and take necessary steps to address the issue, which must be documented in writing.

18. Provider's Liability for Damages

18.1. The Provider takes responsibility for any damage suffered by the Guest within the facility, caused by the fault of the Provider or its employees.

18.2. The Provider’s liability does not extend to events that occurred due to unavoidable reasons beyond the control of the Provider’s employees and guests or those caused by the Guest themselves.

18.3. The Provider may designate areas in the hotel where the Guest cannot enter. The Provider is not responsible for any damage or injury that may occur in these areas.

18.4. The Guest must immediately report any damage to the hotel and provide all necessary information available to clarify the circumstances of the incident, possibly for filing a police report/police procedure.

18.5. The Provider provides a safe in the hotel room for the Guest, and information on its use is located next to the safe. The Guest is solely responsible for managing the safe, and the Provider does not take responsibility for valuables stored in it.

19. Force Majeure

Azon ok, vagy körülmény (például: háború, tűz, árvíz, időjárásbeli viszontagság, áramhiány, sztrájk bekövetkezése), amely felett a félnem bír ellenőAny reason or circumstance (e.g., war, fire, flood, weather-related adversity, power outage, occurrence of a strike) beyond the control of either party (force majeure) exempts both parties from the fulfillment of their obligations arising from the contract as long as such reasons or circumstances persist. The parties agree to do everything in their power to minimize the possibility of such events and to remedy any damage or delay caused by them as soon as possible.rzéssel (vis major), bármely felet felmentik a Szerződésből eredő kötelességeik teljesítési alól, amíg ezen ok vagy körülmény fennáll. A felek egyetértenek abban, hogy minden tőlük telhetőt megtesznek, hogy ezen okok és körülmények bekövetkeztének lehetőségét a lehető legalacsonyabb szintre szorítsák, és az ezáltal okozott kárt vagy késedelmet a lehető leghamarabb helyrehozzák.

20. Applicable Law, Jurisdiction of Courts

The legal relationship between the Provider and the Contracting Party is governed by the provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code. For the resolution of any legal dispute arising from the service contract, the court in the place of service provision has exclusive jurisdiction. Depending on the value, this may be the Eger District Court or the Eger Regional Court.

Arany Oroszlán Restaurant and Wine Bar

Opening hours: 12:00 – 22:00

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